About Pavla Brodacká
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Pavla Brodacká contributed a whooping 23 entries.
Entries by Pavla Brodacká
Impact of e-mobility on the environment
19.3.2019 /0 Comments/in Charging infrastructure operation /by Pavla BrodackáThe project team within e-Road prepared a study which focused on collecting information regarding the impact of e-mobility on individual parts of the environment, as well as the environment of the cities. You will find the main points of the analysis below and you will be able to access the whole study for free on […]
Current E-Mobility State
8.2.2019 /0 Comments/in Charging infrastructure operation /by Pavla BrodackáThe e-Road project focused in one of its first analyses on the evaluation of the current state of e-mobility and its infrastructure in the joined regions – Southern Bohemia and East Bavaria. The results show that the public support and knowledge significantly differ in the regions. Electric Vehicles Ïn Southern Bohemia the purchase of an […]
Pilot Route Evaluation and Data Presentation
1.2.2019 /0 Comments/in Station location /by Pavla BrodackáIn October 2018, the e-Road Task “Analysis and modelling future e-mobility charging demand and location” completed its journey. Its aim was to calculate the expected energy demand of e-mobility and to evaluate the results for the pilot route: Deggendorf-Pisek. On the one hand, the goal was to focus on the current charging infrastructure and demand […]

e-Road Písek – Deggendorf
+420 380 424 411